Visual Studio 2017 is coming - We are prepared!

20 February 2017

Visual Studio 2017 will be released by Microsoft on March 7, 2017. With this new release, Microsoft focused especially on performance and productivity improvements.

Some key features and improvements are:

  • Enhancements to code navigation, IntelliSense, refactoring, code fixes, and debugging, saves time and efforts
  • A faster and more efficient IDE which helps developers to stay focused on the big picture
  • C++14 support, partially C++ 17, faster C++ links
  • The Linux development with C++ workload enables you to author C++ code for Linux servers, desktops and devices
  • Mobile development with .NET: Xamarin technology with advanced debugging and profiling tools and unit test generation features makes it faster and easier to build, connect, and tune mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows
  • Mobile development with Javascript: Tools for Apache Cordova allows to build an app that deploys on iOS, Android and Windows
  • Mobile development with C++: share common code in libraries that can be built for each platform to save time and effort when building C++ apps for Android and iOS

More details can be found here

We have tested our existing PPK (libraries, components, sample code) for VS2015 with the Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017 Release Candidate Version 15.0.26206.0 D15REL and .NET Framework Version 4.6.01586 and everything worked fine. Our upcoming PPK 8.3 will also contain updated readme files considering VS2017.

Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback on VS 2017 migration: or use our support ticket system.
