Our security solutions are as individual as our customers

Since 1983 the MARX motto "Individuality over Run-off-the-Mill" stands for sophisticated security solutions.

The CRYPTO-BOX System has thousands of customers worldwide. Furthermore, MARX developed many customized hardware and firmware security projects, as well as customized libraries and software modifications. MARX security solutions can be found in many fields that require securing e-commerce and e-banking.


Some samples for customer specific developments:

  • Siemens works with a customized version of the CRYPTO-BOX hardware for the integration into their machines.
  • A customer in the mobile communication area requested an individual firmware version which includes individual features specified by him.
  • For the manufacturer of POS software, the CRYPTO-BOX library was ported to the processor architecture of the POS system.


We can develop the right security solution for your business - just contact us.


Software security with smartcard technology



Software protection for local computers or networks


Professional Protection Kit

Developer kit for protection and licensing

Professional Protection Kit

Cloud Security Toolkit

Online Authentication with the CRYPTO-BOX

Cloud Security Toolkit