Unleash your software's potential!


Software monetization 2024:
Maximize your return on investment!

Did you know that 83% of software developers already use monetization strategies and APIs? Don't miss the boat! Developing and supporting your software requires a high financial and human investment. With software monetization you protect your investments and generate continuous revenue! The integration of modern software monetization methods offers you the opportunity to diversify your revenue streams and increase the value of your software. License models, subscription models, software licensing and usage-based approaches - with our solutions you can implement these strategies effectively. Take control and maximize the profitability of your software products.

All about software licensing

With flexible license models, you can open up new sales channels and generate follow-up sales through modular software packages and pay-per-use scenarios.

MARX protection solutions offer a wide range of licensing options. Whether with microchip-supported hardware (CRYPTO- BOX®) or software-based without a dongle - earn on every single license!

All about software protection

Your software is valuable and must be protected against piracy. Solid software protection promotes flexible license management and monetization, which enables follow-up sales and long-term customer loyalty.

Our solutions ensure controlled software distribution and provide protection against unauthorized usage.

Successful monetization strategies

The key to success lies in the optimal combination of different approaches, individually tailored to your business. Flexible license models that scale from "freemium" to "pay-per-use" offer numerous opportunities to increase sales. Careful planning and market analysis are essential.

Licensing flexibility

Provide flexible licensing options for your software.

Secure processing

Use secure payment processing and transparent billing models.

Regular updates

Provide regular updates and improvements to your software.

Bring your software distribution & protection to the the next level

With dongle technology or software-based licensing, we ensure that every license is a paid one. The CRYPTO-BOX offers strong hardware-based protection and flexible licensing options. Subscription models generate recurring revenue, while usage-based models enable fair billing. Our experts provide customized solutions and strategies.

Economic relevance

Software monetization is crucial for the economic success of companies.


Diversify revenue streams and minimize risk with multiple strategies.

Sustainable revenues

Sustainable revenue provides financial stability and enables continued growth.

Profit increase

Effective monetization models boost profits and increase the shareholder value.


Flexible monetization models enable fast reaction to market changes.


A carefully planned software monetization strategy is the key to long-term competitiveness and success.

Software monetization methods: Licensing is a traditional method that allows software companies to monetize their products by selling usage licenses. Subscription models provide recurring revenue by committing customers to regular payments. Usage-based models charge fees based on actual usage, providing a flexible and customer-focused monetization option. There are several approaches to software licensing. The choice of the appropriate model depends on the software distributor's sales specifications.




FAQ on software monetization

Find answers to frequently asked questions about software monetization. Learn how to maximize the value of your software and deliver value to your customers through license fees, subscriptions, or usage-based billing.

Software monetization is the process by which software developers generate revenue. This is done through license fees, subscriptions, or usage-based billing. The goal is to capitalize on the value of the software and provide added value to customers.

Terms such as "licensing" and "subscription model" are central, and various strategies such as licensing, subscriptions and usage-based approaches help to market software optimally. This requires a deep understanding of customer requirements to select the suitable monetization methods.


Proven models include licensing, subscription, and pay-per-use. Licensing models allow you to charge one-time or recurring fees for access to the software.

Subscriptions provide recurring revenue through monthly or annual payments and promote customer loyalty. Usage-based billing calculates costs based on actual use of the software, making it flexible and customer-friendly. These models offer a variety of ways to capitalize on the value of your software while meeting the needs of your customers.


Subscription models provide recurring revenue and establish long-term customer relationships. Through monthly or annual payments, they provide a steady source of revenue and allow companies to improve their financial planning. Subscription models also build customer loyalty by giving users continuous access to updates and new features. These models build trust and satisfaction, increasing the likelihood that customers will stay with your product for the long term.

Our CRYPTO-BOX hardware solutions based on smart card technology offer strong protection against unauthorized software use and enable precise license management. They provide access to the software only for authorized users and thus ensuring secure software distribution and usage.

The license information is stored directly in the CRYPTO-BOX memory. This enables the implementation of various license models, such as time-limited or usage-based licenses completely without the need to have an Internet connection or requiring user interaction to activate the software: just plug in the CRYPTO-BOX dongle, that’s all.

This increases customer satisfaction through easy and secure access to licensed functions. In addition, the CRYPTO-BOX is particularly suitable for software in areas where an online connection is not available or not desired. Even updating licenses in the dongle does not require a direct Internet connection: the update is performed via encrypted configuration files that can be distributed via download, email or USB stick.

1. License portability: The license can be easily transferred from one system to another.

2. Offline usage: No Internet connection is required for license verification or updates. 

3. License activation: no time-consuming activation/activation of the license required 

4. Maximum security: Dongles offer a very high level of security. This is due to hardware-based encryption and smart card technology.

5. License borrowing: License can be easily transferred or borrowed, e.g. for usage at field services .

6. License redundancy: Important for mission-critical applications (hot/cold licensing)