macOS Update for the CRYPTO-BOX: New Libraries, Network Server and Remote Update Sample Code

29 March 2023

The latest Smarx®OS 4 Mac package for the CRYPTO-BOX® version 2.52 includes support for large encrypted memory objects and new Remote Update sample code.

The Smarx®OS 4 Mac package is available in our download area. An active support level option and MyMARX login are required for the download.


  • Revised libcbios.a library:
    • Support for crypted DataObjects (TEOSDO_CDO_MEMORY) larger than 512 bytes was added
    • Bugfixes
  • Remote Update (RFP) sample for XCode with support for Apple M processors and Crypted DataObjects (CDO)
  • CBIOS Network Server for macOS: Packet Filtering was fixed, IPv6 message was removed.

Refer to the included readme files for further details.

Please contact us if you have any question regarding this package or API implementation for the CRYPTO-BOX in general.
